I fully intend to post again on finances, but being that it is the holiday season I thought it only appropriate to take some time out to be thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed upon us. During the holiday season many of us can find all kinds of reasons to be thankful, and rightfully so. For some of us though, the holiday season brings a sort of pain in our hearts for something we long for or are missing in our lives.
A few weeks ago, our preacher said something that stayed with me (which is good because I'm pretty sure that's part of their goal :) ) He basically said that we need to remember that no matter what "God is at work." It is easy to remember a statement like that when things are going well, but when we're going through difficult times, it so easy to forget that God is truly at work.
This holiday season I'm going to challenge myself to dig deeper below the surface and look for the ways God is at work in my life. Of course I am thankful for my amazing family, friends and husband. I have a great job, live in a nice home and never go hungry. From now, until the beginning of the New Year I am going to take something that seems negative each day and try to see how God could be at work through that specific event. At the end of the year, I may even post the results of my self-challenge - who knows!
Happy holidays to all!
Thank you for this post- encouraging and challenging at the same time :) Missing you, roomie!