Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Change of Career

Over the past week I've been doing a lot of thinking and it is clear that I have chosen the wrong career.  If only I would have put more thought into the proper career path maybe I could have predicted recent trends and clearly seen that I should have made a career in the ammo making business!

Jason and I are taking our concealed carry class this coming Sunday so we began seeking ammo to practice with and use to for our qualification test.  After visiting multiple places it was clear that we were going to have a difficult time finding enough because no one can keep their shelves stocked!  It came down to standing in line with 30 other people just to get 1 box a piece!

Now I don't typically make political statements mostly because I can honestly say that I don't have all of the facts.  But I'm kind of sick of all of this gun control talk.  Here is my opinion - you can like it or not.  Doesn't matter to me because that is why I call it my opinion and not yours.
  1. Cars kill people, not drunk drivers.  Such a ridiculous statement!  Well so is guns kill people, not the people holding them.
  2. Violent video games and movies cause people to kill people.  Seriously?  While I agree that these two things should be viewed in moderation, I again cannot believe that a mentally sound person is going to up and decide to pull out a gun and shoot someone just because they played a video game or saw a movie.
  3. You know how they say locks really only keep honest people out?  I think the same goes for banning certain guns.  You're keeping the honest people out and the dishonest ones will still find a way to get in.
Today I heard on Fox News that someone made the statement that women should not be allowed to carry guns on college campuses because the only self-defense they need are a whistle and knowledge of the nearest safe zone.  Maybe you don't believe that guns should be on college campuses, but please don't tell me that a whistle and a safe zone are going to protect me should someone decide to rape me.

It is clear that guns are going to be a source of debate for a while.  And while I don't feel the answer is to interfere with our rights to bear arms, I don't think it is a good idea to rely solely on guns for our safety.  Get educated on other methods to defend yourself because one day that may be your only option.

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