When I got pregnant with Aria back in March of 2011 I weighed in at a respectable 127lbs. I'm pretty certain that overnight I gained 10lbs (or so it seemed). During my pregnancy I was honestly not concerned with my weight. The ONLY time I stepped on a scale was when I made a visit to the doctor and even then I really didn't pay attention to what it read. My philosophy was that as long as I was healthy and not being scolded for weight gain by my doctor I had nothing to gain by looking at a scale. I’m not exactly sure how much weight I ended up putting on but I know I had to have weighed around 152lbs (maybe even a little more) by the time I went into labor. Honestly, I don’t think I ended up too bad off.
My initial thought was that as soon as Aria arrived and my body was back to normal I would jump right in to working out, cutting my calories, and getting rid of that excess weight. But the more reading I did on breastfeeding, the more I grew concerned that if I began my workout routine and cut my calories I could face the possibility of my milk supply drying up before Aria turned one. So I opted to sacrifice my body for another year to make sure I could reach my goal of not spending one dime on formula! I lost a little weight after she was born but I stayed pretty steady around 145lbs for the majority of her first year of life.
So these aren't exactly before pictures, but I think this is a good starting point. I’ve got to be honest, I’m not really comfortable putting my stomach on display for everyone to see, but I think it’s important to have some accountability. I mean do I really want the last picture you see to be my “before” picture??
While I know that I will probably never have “washboard” abs, I definitely think I can shave off a little more of that muffin top. So here’s to making good choices!
February 26th, 2013
Weight: 132.8lbs
Waist: 36 inches
Resource: The Daily Plate (I mainly use the free mobile app)
You go, girl! I actually just got off the scale and today marks 30 pounds of pregnancy weight gain for me... fun times :) I know I won't be able to resume workout habits right after they're born, but I am really looking forward to when I can again- I feel like a lazy sloth!